So, the other day, via Facebook, a friend of mine said to me “Oh, my, I am loving seeing the world through your unique perspective with all of the things you have been posting on Pinterest!”. I know, the irony, talking through one Social Media about what is going on on another! lol.
But, it got me to thinking. Just how *do* I see the world? Is it *really* any different from anyone else? I mean, we all have our own perspectives and perceptions, but I guess, as a photographer, our eyes are “trained” to notice the small things that everyday people take for granted or just rush by.
The very next day, I was honored to complete the newborn session for George and Jessica and baby Oliver, that you can find HERE. During this session, Jessica’s lovely mum asked me if she could snap some pics of me “in action”. I replied that of course I didn’t mind, it is interesting to see how others perceive the goings on at a shoot!
She sent the images through today and I was amazed to see how they looked! I mean, any photographer will tell you that what you see in an image is often a big illusion to the reality that was actually there when it was captured. You are (obviously) witnessing only a very small snippet of a scene when viewing the finished image. You are looking at a perfectly finished, lit, composed scene that the photographer has manufactured in their creative brain. You don’t get to be witness to the light stands, cables, makeup tables, screaming toddlers running around, spilled coffee, up-turned furniture, propped up reflectors, brollies blowing over in the wind, birds pooping in my hair (yes, it has happened, multiple times!) etc.
One of my favourite clients often teases me about my shoots, wishing she was a “fly on the wall” and knowing that quite often, I will have at least one of my own five kids “assisting” me in the background. I am not ashamed to admit that I *have* been known to shoot product images with a 2 year old literally climbing on my back, camera in one hand and trying to maintain a phone call in the other! But, what my clients receive is still a professionally finished product, that was somehow manufactured in my creative brain at one stage, and which I have somehow (and sometimes surprisingly!), managed to capture in camera too.
So, enough of my prattling, time for some pictures! This collection is pretty self explanatory, so without further ado, here is *my* world, both as you would see it if you were a “fly on the wall”, and then the same scene, but this time, through *my* eyes…
This is beautiful Alice, photographed for Eco Peko. The top images by my good friend Shannon who has a lovely blog right HERE:
All the “behind the scenes” shots here were beautifully captured by baby Oliver’s “Omy” – Roswitha:
This is little Ziggy, being photographed for the “Nursery Rhymes” feature that I completed Little ONE Baby magazine. The behind the scenes shot captured by my friend Shannon, again.
<img class="aligncenter wp-image-2008 size-full" title="littlejackhorner" src="https://tanyalove try this” alt=”” width=”563″ height=”1166″ srcset=” 563w,×1024.jpg 494w” sizes=”(max-width: 563px) 100vw, 563px” />
This is Georgette, daughter of my client-turned-friend, Katie (who is pictured), as she models for Seedling Baby. Both images captured by me.
One of my favourite little models, Flynn, strutting his stuff for Cushie Tushies, whilst my own boys “entertain” him (and hold reflectors, they are multi-taskers from way back!). Both images by me. Oh, and those concerned about safety, with Flynn being on the table, please note that his Mummy was just out of frame to the left and there was always somebody within arms reach at all times.
Again for the gorgeous label, Cushie Tushies. You would never know from the final image that there were mums sitting on benches, and in front of lights etc. Nor that these little ones were cleverly “contained” in this narrow kitchen to avoid too much mess from the chocolate cake mix… Both images by yours truly.
At the amazing wedding of Ann-Marie and Craig, in November of 2011. Behind the scenes images captured by the groom’s sister and bridesmaid, Emma.
Is this different to what you would expect? How did you think things happened “behind the scenes”? Would love to hear your thoughts!