I get asked this all the time. “Where do you find the time?” “Do you ever stop?!” “How can you fit so much into your day?” “Do you ever have any time for your kids?!”
I usually answer by saying “I sleep little, and yell alot”. 🙂
I *am* crazy busy. It really does never seem to end! But, I have five *amazing* kids, who are always willing to help, and a hubby who puts up with soooo much, and has taken on himself to become my “feeder”. He brings me food and cups of tea whenever I need them so I can work uninterrupted. What a man!
Right now, it is school holidays. I am downstairs in my office, blogging and doing bookwork as tax time looms. I can hear my littlest kids giggling upstairs as their Dad wrestles with them. I can hear saucepans clanging in the kitchen and smell yumminess wafting down the stairs as my second eldest prepares dinner for us all. The shower is running, and my 9 year old daughter is screaming out to Keegan in the kitchen to stop using the hot water as she is showering. (lol!).
Utter chaos, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It is a team effort here at the Love Shack, that’s for sure.
Oh, and how could I forget, here is my constant assistant/off-sider. My big boy Jaimyn, aka, “Data Entry Clerk Extraordinaire” who is sitting right next to me dutifully entering all of my receipts getting ready for the tax man! What a legend he is!
…oh, and Scruffy, my permanent foot-warmer/our pet Foxy. But, he is stuck outside in the cold cause right now, with all of this rain, he smells baaaaaaaad, yo! 😉
Roseann - Wow you have done so well, produce fantastic work and what an awesome family you have. Well done! 🙂
Jessica - Love this one! 🙂 The craziness of life is what makes it worth living, right?! Enjoy… 🙂